We're here to help! At home or away!
*** BEERYS.com
Alternative Energy products
"Home of THE CORN-Burning Stoves"
NEW LOCATION!! BEERYS.com Alternative Energy products
7103 Rohrer Road Wooster, Ohio 44691
ph 330-669-2881 fax 330-669-3016
McComb: ph 1-419-293-2465
*** CornStoves.com SNIVELY "Alternative Energy"
Corn * Wood * Gas * Coal * Pellets
Traeger, AmaizAblaze, SnowFlame, AES Inc, Countryside, Magnum, Envirotec, Fahrenheit Technologies Endurance, Copperfield, FLAME BioMass Stoves, LMF America's Heat, Amaizing Heat, Brunks, Universal Outdoor Boiler, & MUCH MORE...
McComb, Ohio
Bob, ph 1-419-293-2465
Corn and Wood Pellets, too!!
*** ComforTec, Inc "Your All-Seasons Specialty Place"
Pools * Spas * Saunas
Wood, Corn, Pellet, & Gas - Stoves & Fireplaces
(Corner SR93 & 172)West of
Massillon, Ohio ph 1-330-832-6444
"HOME of The CORN-BURNING Stoves!!" CornStoves.com
TRAEGER CORN & Pellet Furnaces/Boilers: GBU070c TRAEGER CORN Furnace
AES CountrySide Magnum CORN Stoves: CornStovesUSA.com
AmaizAblaze CORN Stoves:
AmaizAblazeUSA.com CORN Stoves
"HOME of The CORN-BURNING Stoves!!" Offering CORN Stoves, Fireplace Inserts, Furnaces, Boilers, OUTDOOR CORN & GRAIN BURNING Furnaces/Boilers
and other corn, wood, pellet, stove, hearth products & accessories.
THE PATENTED TRAEGER FEED SYSTEMS have proven to be reliable since the early 1980's.
The 20th century has seen a dramatic change in central heating systems, from wood and coal, to oil, to heat pumps and natural gas, and back to wood again. Today, nearly all central heating systems are dependent upon electricity, natural/propane gas, or oil as a fuel source. The convenience of these modern heating systems has not come without their price tags and certain realities. Dependence on non-renewable energy resources over the past 50+ years has taught us that:
1. The SUPPLY of oil and gas is LIMITED and NON-RENEWABLE.
2. Electricity, oil, and gas costs will increase as supplies decrease.
3. If we remain dependent on these sources of energy, we will definitely face an energy crisis again!
4. If we don't learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.
5. We must look to central heating systems that utilize renewable energy sources.
6. The upward spiral in use of non-renewable energy resources reduces these supplies and increases the costs of use.
7. Use of these diminishing resources also causes adverse effects on our environment and our fragile Eco Systems.
Wood furnaces burn a renewable resource; yet they require hard work to stoke, and typically are not very efficient, neither with heat transfer nor combustion efficiency (emissions).
Around 1980, Traeger Industries(Mt Angel, Oregon) developed the first residential CORN & pellet fired stoves and furnaces. Designed to meet coming air quality standards these corn & pellet fired units performed effectively and efficiently without the negatives of a typical wood furnace. These early units have developed into CORN & wood pellet stoves, inserts, furnaces, and boilers that are the most efficient renewable resource burning appliances manufactured today.
For years CORN has been 'The Alternative Fuel of Choice', especially in the Midwest using Traeger furnaces. In addition to CORN & wood pellets, other seeds & grains, PLUS numerous types of renewable Biomass fuel burn efficiently in The Traeger units.
A variety of TRAEGER Furnace Models are available ranging from 70,000 BTU(GBU-070)up to 400,000 BTU(Model GBU-400). Residential, commercial, and industrial models are available. We also have a 85/150,000 BTU boiler.
If you are thinking of central heating with a renewable biomass energy product, remember the name TRAEGER.
****TRAEGER Model GBU-130****
The GBU-130, can be set from 50,000 to 130,000+ BTU, giving it a wide range of heating for larger homes, shops, and commercial uses.
The GBU-130 can be installed 'Upflow' or 'Downflow' and, if height is a factor, set in a 'Lowboy' configuration. Domestic Hot Water option is available to save money on your hot water while you heat your home.
**TRAEGER Model GBU-130**
BTU Input: 50,000 to 130,000+ BTU/Hour
Overall Efficiency: 80%+
Heating Capacity: 2-4,000 sq.ft.
Height: basic unit - no blower 45"
Height: with optional blower 69"
Width: includes hopper 46"
Depth: 30"
Hopper Capacity: 160 lbs standard
Weight: 485 lbs
Flue Size: 4"
Warm Air Outlet: 20" x 20" (Upflow or Downflow)
Power Requirement: 110 volt
Flue Breach: Front (standard)
Blower: Optional
. . Shop Plenum
. . Outside Air Kit
. . Domestic Water System
. . 1/2 hp 4 Speed Blower (1160 - 1820 CFM)
. . 1/2 hp 4 Speed Blower w/21KW electric backup
. . 10" Heavy Duty Base - for 'Lowboy' use under furnace
. . 10" Light Duty Base - for 'Lowboy' use under blower
Alternative Energy products
"HOME of The CORN-BURNING Stove!!"
Contact Art@CornStoves.com
ph 1-330-669-2881
BOB at
CornStoves.com - SNIVELY Alternative Energy
Corn * Wood * Gas * Coal * Pellets
Traeger, AmaizAblaze, SnowFlame, AES Inc, Countryside, Magnum, Envirotec, LMF America's Heat, Amaizing Heat, Brunks, and MUCH MORE...
ph 1-419-293-2465
****TRAEGER Model GBU-070****
Our MOST POPULAR model is designed to meet the needs of the average sized home. This forced air unit has multiple applications as your primary furnace, add-on, or in your shop/garage.
The GBU-070 uses a solid state control board which allows the unit to be operated by a wall thermostat and has built-in pilot control.
**TRAEGER Model GBU-070**
BTU Input: 70,000 BTU/Hour
Overall Efficiency: 80%+
Heating Capacity: Up to 2000 sq.ft.
Height: 45 1/4"
Width: 24 1/4"
Depth: 33 1/2"
Hopper Capacity: 80 lbs standard
Weight: 385 lbs.
Flue Size: 4"
Warm Air Outlet: 12" x 12" (top)
Blower: 1250 CFM
Power Requirement: 110 volt
Flue Breach: Rear
. . Back Draft Damper - (Add On installation)
. . Shop Plenum -(Shop installation)
. . Corn Pot - (to burn shelled corn)
. . Filter Box Assembly - (return air to 12" round)
. . Hopper Extension - (extends capacity to 140 lbs)
**********TRAEGER Model TPB-150C CORN-Fired Boiler**********
A hot water boiler unit. It operates under the same principles as any other boiler, but it is wood pellet or CORN-fired.
Whether you're replacing an old system, starting from scratch or adding to an existing system, this boiler is the one for you.
**********SPECIFICATIONS TPB-150**********
BTU Input 85,000 to 150,000 BTU/hr
Approx. Heating Capacity 2000 - 3500 sq. ft.
Height 46", Width 37", Depth 21"
Hopper Capacity 160 lbs standard
Weight 400 lbs
Flue Size 6" Rear Breach at Top
Supply Tapping 1.5"
Return Tapping 1.25" / 1.5"
Pressure Relief Valve
Domestic Hot Water Coil
Hydronic Water Pump
National Board Stamping
Safety Disc Lockout
Altitude Gauge
**********TRAEGER Model GBU400c CORN-Fired Commercial Furnace 400,000+ BTUs **********
A TRAEGER BURN SYSTEM Conversion Kit is also available.
We stock shelled corn and wood pellets. CALL Art for Pricing/Availability. We sell by the bag or Truck Loads to your door
. . . CornStoves.com . . . CornStovesUSA.com
CORN Fireplace Inserts . . . Pellet Stoves, too
We'd like to hear from you. Please contact us:
Email: Art@CornStoves.com
Alternative Energy products
"HOME of The CORN-BURNING Stoves!!"
7103 Rohrer Road Wooster, Ohio 44691 ph 330-669-2881 ........................................
. . . BEERYS.com . . .
Independent Dealer for The EARTH Stove, Inc.
Wood, Gas, & Pellet Stoves and Fireplace Inserts
Pellet . BBQ . Grills * * * * PATIO . CAMPFIRES , more . . .
See pellet grills, campstoves, and more... at Traeger Industries
maker of The Patented TRAEGER BURN SYSTEM which is 'The Heart' of our CORN Burners.
NOTE: We ocassionally travel. Call for info---possible delivery. Thanks!! ******************************** $AVING$.
We're here to help! At home or away!
Contact us at: ph 330-669-2881
BEERYS.com or
CornStoves.com for current SALE Prices.
"The Family-owned Business on The Farm East of Smithville, Ohio"
Thank YOU!
Corn Burning Stove & Furnaces, Corn Boilers, Wood Pellet Stoves, and MORE...
WOOD PELLETS - We have wood pellets - WOOD PELLETS (1 bag or a Truck Load[wholesale])
(Please CALL for BEST PRICES/timely Pickup/Delivery--We also offer a Spring Early Buy!)
*** BEERYS.com *** CornStovesUSA.com
Alternative Energy products
"HOME of THE CORN-Burning Stoves"
7103 Rohrer Road Wooster, Ohio 44691 ph 330-669-2881
*** ComforTec, Inc "Your All-Seasons Specialty Place"
Pools * Spas * Saunas - and ALL Supplies
Wood, Pellet, & Gas - Stoves, Furnaces, & Fireplaces
(Corner SR 172 & SR 93)
Massillon, Ohio
ph 1-330-832-6444
*** CornStoves.com SNIVELY "Alternative Energy"
Corn * Wood * Gas * Coal * Pellets
Traeger, AmaizAblaze, SnowFlame, AES Inc, Countryside, Magnum, Envirotec, LMF America's Heat, Amaizing Heat, Brunks, & MUCH MORE...
McComb, Ohio ph 1-419-293-2465
BUT we are working on other sources for reasonably priced wood pellets(Ohio area COMING Late Winter/Spring!! We are getting excited!!!).
Remember we already have them reasonably priced and available to many areas of the country (Wholesale Truck Loads to almost anywhere!). CALL Art for details/pricing. ph 330-669-2881
WATCH THIS SITE For Further Updates
COMING SOON??!!! Another QUALITY line of CORN & Biomass Burning Furnaces & Boilers!!!
Model GBU-130
Out mightiest furnace, the GBU-130 can be set from 85,000 to 130,000 BTU, giving it a wide range of heating for larger homes and commercial use.
The GBU-130 has a wide variery of available installations. Thermostatically controlled, it can be upflowed or downflowed. If height is a concern, it can be used in a lowboy configuration. A domestic hot water option is also available so you can heat your home and save money on your hot water at the same time.
BTU Input 85,000 or 130,000 BTU/hr
Overall Efficiency 80%
Approx. Heating Capacity 2,000 - 4,000 sq. ft.
Height with optional blower 69"
Height basic unit - no blower 45"
Width includes hopper 46"
Depth 30"
Hopper Capacity 160 lbs standard
Weight 485 lbs
Flue Size 4", Front Breach(standard)
Warm Air Outlet Size 20" x 20"
Blower Optional
Power Requirement 110 volt
1/2 hp 4 speed blower (1160 - 1820 CFM)
1/2 hp 4 speed blower 21 kw electric backup
Water System - for domestic hot water
10" Heavy Duty Base - for lowboy use under furnace
10" Light Duty Base - for lowboy use under blower
Shop Plenum
Rear Breach Kit
Outside Air Kit
Clean Brush for Heat Exchanger
Wood Pellet Burn Pot
Shelled Corn Burn Pot
Model GBU-070
Our most popular model. it has been designed to meet the needs of an average sized home. With a fan forced draft, the applications are quite flexible.
The GBU-070 uses a solid state control board which allows the unit to be operated from a wall thermostat and it has a built-in pilot. The GBU-070 can be used as an add-on furnace or a primary furnace. It can also be used in many shop applications.
BTU Input 70,000 BTU/hr
Overall Efficiency 80%
Approx. Heating Capacity Up to 2000 sq. ft.
Height 45 1/4"
Width 24 1/4"
Depth 33 1/2"
Hopper Capacity 80 lbs standard
Weight 385 lbs
Flue Size 4"
Warm Air Outlet Size 12" x 12"
Blower 1250 CFM
Power Requirement 110 volt
Breach Rear
Back Draft Damper (for add on)
Hopper Extension (extends capacity to 140 lbs)
Filter Box Assembly (adapts return air to 12" round)
Shop Plenum (for shop installation)
Wood Pellet Burn Pot
Shelled Corn Burn Pot
The is a true boiler unit. It operates under the same principles as any other boiler, but it is wood pellet or corn fired.
Whether you're replacing an old system, starting from scratch or adding to an existing system, this boiler is the one for you.
The TBP150 is available now.
BTU Input 85,000 or 150,000 BTU/hr
Overall Efficiency 80%
Approx. Heating Capacity 2000 - 2800 sq. ft.
Height 46", Width 37", Depth 21"
Hopper Capacity 150 lbs standard
Weight 400 lbs
Flue Size 4", Top Breach
Supply Tapping 1.5", Return Tapping 1.25" / 1.5"
*Pressure Relief Valve *Domestic Hot Water Coil *Hydronic Water Pump
*National Board Stamping *Safety Disc Lockout *Altitude Gauge
SEE Traeger CORN Furnaces - Pinnacle Pellet.com Web Site for additional on-line pictures and information.
(tpb150c) Traeger Corn-Fired Boiler
TRAEGER Industries and AMERICAN ENERGY SYSTEMS (AES) are two of the original manufacturers of the modern CORN and Pellet Stoves. Today there are many manufacturers (and many have fallen by the wayside), but the original TRAEGER FEED/BURN SYSTEM and AES COUNTRYSIDE still endure as the safest and most durable biomass burners on the market today.
Our stoves are capable of BURNING SHELLED CORN which is commonly used as animal feed. CORN AS FUEL is not as crazy as it may sound. It is already being processed into ETHANOL used as a motor fuel and blended in gasoline for hotter, cleaner burn---and less exhaust pollution. (They will also burn other grains, cherry pits, and wood pellets, too!)
Most of today's pellet fuel is made from compressed wood waste; but down the road, the ability to pelletize or burn other types of organic, biomass waste (agricultural by-products such as peanut shells and walnut shells) promises a changing future for pellet stoves. And while all of today's brands of pellet stoves are capable of burning premium quality wood pellets, only The Patented TRAEGER and AES COUNTRYSIDE BURN SYSTEMS are designed with the future in mind.
The Patented TRAEGER and AES Burn Systems were developed to accommodate these high ash content, lower grade(and lower cost) fuels. What this all means is that our CORN and pellet stoves are ready to handle the fuels of the future, as well as, today's low-ash fuels.
The convenience of clean, easy to handle fuel presents a practical alternative to those who have lost some of their youthful enthusiasm for the more "physical" aspect of handling cordwood. But fuel innovation and convenience are still not appealing enough to overcome the lack of a realistic fire (high intensity "blowtorch" flames have plagued other brands of pellet stoves from the beginning).
Our used Earth Stove CORN and pellet stoves feature 'The NATURAL FIRE', "wide flame" look of a real wood fire. Our flame is unmatched by the unnatural flames of other pellet stoves. This makes our CORN and pellet stoves the NATURAL CHOICE for even the most discrete fire watchers.
Traeger Stove technology was manufactured in the U.S. by Earth Stove of Tualatin, Oregon. Earth Stove manufactured a wide range of models to fit every application. The TRAEGER CORN Furnaces are manufactured by Pinnacle Stove Sales of BC.
Traeger CORN/Pellet Technology:
The Best Built
The Best Fire
The Best Safety Features
The Best Warranty
The Best Fuel Versatility
The Best History
See pellet grills, campstoves, CORN Stoves, Furnaces and more...
at Traeger Industries manufacturers of The Patented TRAEGER FEED/BURN SYSTEM which is 'The Heart' of our CORN Burners.
CornStovesUSA.com Alternative Energy products
"HOME of The CORN-BURNING Stoves!!"
BEERYS.com 7103 Rohrer Road Wooster, Ohio 44691 ph 330-669-2881
also available:
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...and Other Business Services see
Alternative Energy products
"HOME of The CORN-BURNING Stove!!"
4-H/FFA Thank YOU Page....
ElectroWarmth Bedwarmers..... CornStoves Available/Prices Custom Buttons... ......misc....
Life Goes On - Thanks
************ MAHONING OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACES ************** In MEMORY of Dwain@RTCLightDoctor.com
. . Other Web Sites for Products / Information . .
The following sites are NOT AFFILIATED with CornStoves.com
but are provided to you for ease in your being an informed consumer and for your convenience.
If there are other sites you feel are helpful, please Email us.
Thank YOU!!
(note: quick links are not yet set up on this NEW web site.)
1. EvenTemp Inc
2. Hearth Net Info
3. LennoxHearthProducts.com
4. SnowFlame - Don at Cornburner.com
5. 'Smokeys Stoves'
6. LEHMAN's 'Old-Fashioned Hardware', Kidron, Ohio. On-line, catalog, or in-store source of non-electric items, and MORE!!!
Take ACTION today!!
ph 1-330-669-2881 (Smithville, Ohio)
ph 250-747-1714 (British Columbia)
Pinnacle Stove Sales
ph 250-992-5050 <(British Columbia)
http://BEERYS.com and http://CornStoves.com
Contact us with your questions, comments, concerns, and orders. Art Ph 1-330-669-2881 Smithville, OH
or Bob Ph 1-419-293-2465 McComb, OH
Thank YOU for spending time with us. Please call for info.
BEST WISHES to YOU and Yours!!!
Have a GREAT DAY!!
Art@CornStoves.com give us a call:
Art Ph 1-330-669-2881 Smithville, OH
or Bob Ph 1-419-293-2465 McComb, OH
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