"Stay WARM with CORN!!"
Envirotec Model 5775, "The MINI- Furnace" has an increased heat exchange capability, making it ideal for heating larger areas. The automatic shut-down feature ensures safe operation. Temperature control adjustments for your family's comfort.
ENVIROTEC CORN STOVES are designed to bring you comfort, safety and saving fuel costs for your home.
Introducing a new way to heat your home or cottage.
Envirotec heating units are the safe, clean and economical way to handle your needs for supplemental heat. The Envirotec can add both warmth and efficiency to your home. It's different from traditional heating units. The Envirotec harnesses the energy of the sun, using grain as its fuel. Grain burns cleaner, hotter and more efficiently than other solid fuels.
***** Environment Friendly *****
The Envirotec is very friendly to the environment. Because it uses clean burning grain, it is pollution free. Unlike other fuels, grain is an annually renewable resource.
**** Easy to install ****
The Envirotec can be vented directly through an exterior wall. It has a zero clearance rating. The Envirotec venting system has been designed to provide both ease of installation and safe operation. Once the unit is installed, you simply plug it into a standard wall receptacle.
**** Clean and safe to operate ****
Unlike heating units that many other fuels, the Envirotec is clean to operate. Fuel storage and filling the unit is easier and cleaner with grain. Starting the unit is simple. The temperature controls can be adjusted for your individual comfort. The unit will automatically shut down if the fuel runs out. You can leave the unit unattended knowing it will continue to provide safe, constant heat when you're not there.
**** Maximum Efficiency ****
The Envirotec operates by heating and circulating the air in the room. Air for combustion can be drawn from outside the home; this does not deplete any oxygen from your living environment. Envirotec's patented system provides a combustion efficiency of 98.4%. The specially provides maximum heat output.
**** SAFE ****
*zero clearance
*UL/ULC approved
**** CLEAN ****
*pollution free
*no creosote in grains
**** EFFICIENT ****
*98.4% combustion efficiency
*lower fuel cost
ENVIROTEC CORN STOVES are designed to bring you comfort, safety, and savings. Safely increase your heating comfort while reducing fuel costs for your home.
GRAIN BURNS CLEANER THAN any other solid fuel on the market today. While wood appears to be a natural burning fuel, wood burning significantly contributes to environmental pollution, while grain production and clean burning has a positive effect on our environment, and is ANNUALLY RENEWABLE!!
Envirotec units comply with and EXCEED the strict requirements of the U.S. Clean Air Act and emit virtually no smoke.
It took more than 4 million years to create fossil fuels, oil, gas and coal.
It takes 40 years to grow mature trees.
It takes only 4 months to grow a crop of grain.
Burning wood and/or fossil fuel pollutes our environment. These are not clean burning fuels.
The United States Clean Air Act, in July 1990, set new stringent particulate standards on wood heaters of 4.1 grams per hour for catalytic heaters and 7.5 grams per hour for non-catalytic heaters.
Envirotec products FAR EXCEED these standards, emitting only 1.6 to 2.7 grams per hour at maximum burn.
Independent tests show grain burns cleaner than any other solid heating fuel on the market today. And, not only does grain burn cleaner, it produces a greater amount of heat per unit cost.
An independent testing laboratory concluded in a 1993 report: "Carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and hydrocarbon contaminants were NOT detected in Envirotec heating units, suggesting COMPLETE combustion of grain materials."
Envirotec products' air-to-fuel ratio is 68 to 1, again FAR EXCEEDING the 35 to 1 ration for the most efficient wood burning products on the market.
What does this mean? Virtually zero pollutants and virtually no smoke.
You can make a difference! When you burn wood, you contribute to deforestation. And, when you burn gas or oil, you're contributing to the exhaustion of a non-renewable energy source, plus contributing to foreign investors.
With Envirotec products, you can burn non-polluting, abundant, renewable and cost-efficient grain.
Our high technology solution is one of the most significant contributions to the environmental energy crisis facing us today.
Envirotec Corn Stove Features & Workings
ENVIROTEC CORN STOVES are designed to bring you comfort, safety, and savings.
Envirotec Model 5775 Specifications:
* Height 29.0"(73.66cm)without base * Width 32.5"(82.55cm)
* Depth 26.0"(66.5cm)
* Weight 310Lb(140.6kg)without base
* Flue Size 3.0"(7.62cm)
* 2184 sq.in. Internal Heat Exchange Surface
* 60,000 BTU/hr Maximum Capacity
* Side Clearance Zero
* Rear Clearance 1.0"(2.54cm)
* Front Clearance 48.0"(121.92cm)
* Electrical Rating 120V/ 60 Hz/ 2.5 amps
* 11"(27.94cm)Pedestal Base
* Hopper Extension
* Black or Green