A unique, versatile, efficient, effective combination: a Wood-Fired Heater, CookStove, AND Oven, with Style from a by-gone era.
The Nectre Bakers Oven will bake everything from crispy, fresh bread to succulent, juicy roasts..... AND the cook top above the fire box has room for four large saucepans and pots. Two removable rings make it ideal for direct heating and wok cooking, too.
And while it is cooking it radiates cozy warmth throughout your kitchen and/or living areas. A GREAT VALUE for any household or cabin: Heating, Cooking, Baking, along with superb Space Economy!!! WOW!!!
No wonder Nectre wood heating is so popular! A quick glance will tell you that The Nectre Bakers Oven not only provides the cozy warmth and atmosphere of radiant heat, but it does so more efficiently than most other heating methods.
We discovered this fantastic unit at The 2003 HPBA EXPO in Nashville, TN thanks to Richard Mitchell (a wonderful new friend/'mate' from Australia).
See More Nectre Products-PECAN Engineering
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